Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay

Three behaviors by expectant mothers that can negatively affect normal development of a fetus throughout life are consuming alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and using any kind of drugs. According to the Centers for Disease Control, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorders (FASD’s) are a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. Some of the categories of FASD’s are: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS,) Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND,) and Alcohol-Related Birth Defects (ARBD.) ARND is characterized by learning disabilities and behavioral issues. They might have difficulties with numbers, memory, attention, judgment, and also poor impulse control. ARBD is characterized by physical problems, mostly effecting the heart, kidneys, bones, and sometimes hearing troubles. The most severe of all FASD’s is fetal alcohol syndrome. The effects can include physical problems and problems with behavior and learning including abnor mal facial features, a small disproportioned head, shorter than average height, central nervous system problems, low body weight, hyperactivity, speech delays, poor memory, vision problems, hearing problems, learning disabilities, and even fetal death (Centers for Disease Control, 2011). Not every child whose mother consumed alcohol is born with FAS, but 1 in 800 are. Fetal alcohol syndrome is completely preventable as long as a woman abstains from drinking during the duration of pregnancy, as there is no known safe amount of alcohol (Myers, 2008). Smoking cigarettes during pregnancy can result in premature birth, birth defects, low birth weight, miscarriage, and has been linked to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Cigarettes also can cause the placenta (which provides the fetus’ oxygen and nutrients) to separate from the womb too early, which is extremely dangerous for both the fetus and the mother. (Centers for Disease Control, 2013). The use of illicit drugs during pregnancy can impede normal development in many different ways, but because of the usual lifestyle choices of people who use illicit drugs, including drinking, smoking, promiscuity that increases risk of STD’s, and poor nutrition, it’s hard to know the full extent of danger each specific drug causes (March of Dimes, 2008). Use of methamphetamine, ecstasy, or amphetamine during pregnancy can result in low birth weight, premature birth, heart defects and cleft lip. The babies also appear to go through withdrawal like symptoms, including jitteriness, drowsiness, and breathing problems. These babies will be at a much greater risk for learning disabilities. (March of Dimes, 2008). Babies of mothers who used heroin during pregnancy are at risk for poor fetal growth, premature rupture of membranes, premature birth, stillbirth, low birth weight, and breathing problems. (March of dimes, 2008). The babies of heroin users also go through withdrawal symptoms within 3 day after birth, which include fever, sneezing, irritability, trembling, diarrhea, vomiting, crying, and seizures. They are also at an increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The children of heroin users are also at an increased risk of contracting HIV and hepatitis C, due to the likelihood of mothers using dirty needles to inject the drug (Centers for Disease Control, 2011). Mothers who use cocaine during pregnancy subject their fetuses to low birth weight, developmental disabilities, cerebral palsy, urinary tract problems, strokes causing irreversible brain damage, and sometimes death (March of Dimes, 2008). The only way to avoid these serious and harmful effects is to abstain from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco throughout the entire pregnancy. It is recommended that women who have opiate addictions do not just try to stop suddenly if they find they are pregnant, and instead should start a methadone program (March of Dimes, 2008.) There are also many other resources for women who are dealing with any kind of addiction that could be harmful to their pregnancies. References Center for Disease Control. (2011, Sept 22). Facts about fasds. Retrieved from March of Dimes. (2008, January). March of dimes. Retrieved from Meyers, David G. (2008). Exploring Psychology. New York, NY: Worth Publishers

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Person-Centred and Systems Theory Approach Case Study Based Essay

Case Study: Ramesh is 45 year old Sri Lankan man who works as a telephone call centre agent. He was close to and lived with his mother, who died 18 months ago. Ramesh was recently hospitalised after a suicide attempt. He had been taking anti-depressants for several months before he took an overdose. According to his sister, he had become depressed and was drinking and smoking a lot, and hardly ever eating. He had been taking time off work, and was at risk of losing his job with BT.His sister says that Ramesh went downhill after the death of their mother, but that she was surprised at this as he always complained about all the things he had to do for her when she was alive. The sister has a family of her own, but says that she has tried to involve Ramesh in her family, but he had mostly refused. He had some friends who he used to play cricket with, but he has stopped seeing them. He had been saying that there’s nothing to live for, and he wanted to be left alone. Ramesh is due to be released from hospital in two weeks’ time.IntroductionThe purpose of this essay is to critically analyse the Task-centred and client-centred approaches to Social Work Intervention. I will initially explain their main principles, advantages and disadvantages and apply them to the assessment, planning and intervention of the above case study. Particular attention will be paid to how these perspectives inform the application of anti-oppressive practice (AOP). The word ‘perspective’ describes a partial ‘view of the world’ (Payne 1997:290) and is often used to attempt to order and make sense of experiences and events from a particular and partial viewpoint.The reason for choosing these two theories is because they can be used simultaneously. One of the major attributes of the Person Centred approach is the emphasis on relationship building between the Social Worker and the service user, which therefore makes it easier to set out the tasks that need to be carried out because lines of communication have been opened up Task- centred Approach The task-centred model is a short-term, problem-solving approach to social work practice. It is a major approach in clinical social work perhaps  because unlike other several practice models, it was developed for and within Social Work (Stepney and Ford, 2000).My reasoning behind adopting this approach is because it is essentially a clear and practical model that can be adapted for use in a wide range of situations. It is designed to help in the resolution of difficulties that people experience in interacting with their social situations, where internal feelings of discomfort are associated with events in the external world. One of the many benefits of planned short-term work is that both the Social Worker and Client put immediate energy into the work because the time is limited.The dangers of the effectiveness of the intervention being reliant on the Social Worker/Client relationship, whic h may or may not work out, are minimised in the short-term. The model consists of five phases. Phase one This is the problem exploration phase and is characterised by mutual clarity. Problems are defined as an unmet or unsatisfied wants perceived by the client (Reid, 1978). The client should be as clear as the social worker about the processes that will be followed in order to fully participate fully in the work.Involving the service user right from the initial phase has the advantage that they feel empowered and is a good example of anti-oppressive practice. Less commonly the worker may take the lead in identifying the problems but however must be careful not to detract from the clients’ unique expertise in the understanding of their own individual situation. This phase normally takes from one to two interviews although some cases may require more. It ends with setting up of initial tasks. In Ramesh’s case the Social Worker will be using the following sequential Steps .Identifying with Ramesh the reasons for the intervention in the first place. Explain to Ramesh how long the process will take (roughly between 4- 6 weeks). The social worker has to assess Ramesh’s ability to understand his problems and their extent especially taking into consideration that he has issues with alcohol and dependent on anti-depressant drugs. Establish whether Ramesh acknowledges he has a problem and is willing to do something about it. The process of problem exploration will entail the answering of a series of questions: How did his problems begin? What happens typically when Ramesh drinks a lot of alcohol?How often this happening iand what quantities of alcohol is he going through per day/week? What efforts (if any) he himself has put into resolving his problems? Phase two This is when the selecting and prioritising of the problems occur. This has to be what both the Social Worker and Ramesh acknowledge as the ‘Target problem’ and explicitly agree will become the focus of their work together. Commonly there will be a series of problems identified and will be ranked in order of their importance (Stepney and Ford, 2000). There are basically three routes for problem identification.The most common is through client initiation. Clients express complaints which are then explored. A second route is interactive. Problems emerge through a dialogue between the practitioner and client in which neither is a clear initiator. In the third route to problem identification the practitioner is clearly the initiator. So for example, using the information in case study, the problems could be listed as: Dependence on alcohol Excessive smoking Isolation Phase three Following the identification and ranking of target problems stage, the first problem to be identified will need to be framed within a ‘problem statement’.The client's acceptance of the final problem statement leads to a contract that will guide subsequent work. Both practi tioner and client agree to work toward solution of the problem(s) as formulated. The way the problems are framed and defined are crucial in motivating both the Social Worker and the service user. The ultimate goal is to avoid the service user from feeling over-whelmed or that the goals set are unachievable. Therefore they have to be set in a realistic manner which also reflect the concerns and wishes of the service user, again this re-enforces anti-oppressive practice issues.They should be clear and unambiguous and which lend themselves, as far as possible, to some sort of measurement so that the Social Worker and service user can tell what progress is being made. So for instance if it is agreed that Ramesh’s dependence on alcohol is the priority, the Social Worker can suggest and also help him join an Alcohol support group. Agree on the number of meetings he’ll attend. Not only will the support group help him tackle the alcohol issues but will also give him the opport unity to be around other people and interact with them.Gradually this should help eliminate the isolation issues which are major facilitator of depression. Evidence shows that the more support and services the person has, the more stable their environment. The more stable their environment, the better the chances of dealing with their substance problems (Azrin 1976, Costello 1980, Dobkin et al 2002, Powell et al 1998). An important secondary purpose of the model is to bring about contextual change as a means of preventing recurrence of problems and of strengthening the functioning of the client system.One of the issues Ramesh is dealing with is depression which according to his sister was triggered by his mother’s death. With his approval, it might be useful for Ramesh to be referred for bereavement counselling in order to come to terms with losing his mother. Other important things that need to be considered during this phase are ways of establishing incentives and motivatio n for task performance. The task may not itself satisfy Ramesh’s ‘wants’ but at least he must see it as a step in that direction. Phase four This is the stage where implementation of tasks between sessions occurs.There is not a great deal to say about this self-evident phase, however, that is not to say it is not an important phase. Its success will depend on all the groundwork undertaken in the previous phases of the process. Task implementation addresses the methods for achieving the task(s), which should be negotiated with the service user, and according to Ford and Postle, (2000:55) should be; ‘’designed to enhance the problem solving skills of participants†¦ it is important that tasks undertaken by clients involve elements of decision making and self-direction†¦ if the work goes well then they will progressively exercise more control over the implementation of tasks, ultimately enhancing their ability to resolve problems independentlyà ¢â‚¬ .According to Doel (2002:195) tasks should be â€Å"carefully negotiated steps from the present problem to the future goal. † Once tasks are set, it is important to review the problems as the intervention progresses in order to reassess that the tasks are still relevant to achieving the goals. Cree and Myers (2008:95) suggest that as circumstances can change, situations may be superseded by new problems.The workers role should be primarily to support the user in order to achieve their tasks and goals which may include providing information and resources, education and role-playing in order to handle difficult situations. In this case Ramesh will go ahead and continue attending his alcohol cessation support group and the Social Worker can work on arranging bereavement counselling for him and liaise with him about when he feels ready to start. Phase five- Termination Session Termination in the task-centred model begins in the first session, when client and practitioner se t time limits for the intervention.Throughout the treatment process the practitioners regularly reminds the client of the time limits and the number of sessions left additional progress. If an extension is made, practitioner and client contract on a small number of additional sessions, usually no more than four interviews. It should also be noted that such extensions occur in less than one fifth of the cases in most settings. Any accomplishments made by the client are particularly stressed in the termination session. This emphasizing of the client's accomplishment serves as a reinforcer.In another final termination session activity, the practitioner assists the clients in identifying the problem-solving skills they have acquired during the treatment process, review what has not been done and why not. An effort is made to help clients generalize these problem-solving skills, so they can apply them to future problems they may encounter. Person Centred Approach The key emerging princip les of the person centred approaches are that individuals must rely on themselves and liable for their own actions (Howe D, 2009).The Person-Centred Approach developed from the work of the psychologist Dr Carl Rogers (1902 – 1987). He advanced an approach to psychotherapy and counselling that, at the time (1940s – 1960s), was considered extremely radical if not revolutionary (BAPCA). In order for people to realise their full potential they must learn to define themselves rather than allowing others to do it for them. the An important part of this theory is that in a particular psychological environment, the fulfilment of personal potentials includes sociability, the need to be with other human beings and a desire to know and be known by other people.It also includes being open to experience, being trusting and trustworthy, being curious about the world, being creative and compassionate. This is one of the most popular approaches among practitioners (Marsh and Triseliot is 1996: 52) because of its hopefulness, accessibility and flexibility. The psychological environment described by Rogers was one where a person felt free from threat, both physically and psychologically. This environment could be achieved when being in a relationship with a person who was deeply understanding (empathic), accepting (having unconditional positive regard) and genuine (Trevthick,P, 2005).The approach does not use techniques but relies on the personal qualities of the therapist/person to build a non-judgemental and empathic relationship. This in itself could be an issue because of the sole reliance on the Social ability to engage with service users. However, there are disadvantages to this approach. For example, treating people with respect, kindness, warmth and dignity can be misconstrued as ‘’adopting a person centred approach’’. This means the counselling part of the relationship has a risk of being completely over-looked.The goal would be to work on a one-to-one with Ramesh mainly using counselling skills. He has a sister who has a family of her own so therefore family work can be included as a possibility. If he is willing to perhaps go and temporarily live with his sister when he is discharged from hospital in two weeks, it will be a positive step for him to spend more time in a family setting rather than by himself. That way he might not feel so isolated and depressed. This will also help build his self-confidence and self-esteem.The lack of motivation that Ramesh has for going to work needs to be further explored. It could be he is feeling unfulfilled and that at 45 years of age he has not achieved much. He needs social work intervention which is geared towards him attaining ‘’human potential’’ (Maslow’s basic theory). The Social Worker should encourage him to come up with ways in which he can work towards that and also look at areas in his life where he can make his own choices with an aim to recognise elements in his situation that constrain these and seek to remove them.For example, if he is not turning up for work because he is unsatisfied with his job perhaps he could enrol for a vocational course in an industry he enjoys which will improve his job prospects. The fact that he says he has nothing to live for means he has no feeling of self-worth and hasn’t reached the stage of self-actualisation in his life, this is something he is going to need support in figuring it out for himself because it is relative..ConclusionIt is evident that both the task-centred and person centred approaches are popular and generally successful models of social work practice and can both be used in a variety of situations. Both approaches are based on the establishment of a relationship between the worker and the service user and can address significant social, emotional and practical difficulties (Coulshed & Orme, 2006).They are both structured interventions, so acti on is planned and fits a predetermined pattern. They also use specific contracts between worker and service user and both aim to improve the individuals capacity to deal with their problems in a clear and more focused approach than other long term non directive methods of practice (Payne 2002,). Both of these approaches have a place in social work practice through promoting empowerment of the service user and validating their worth.They do provide important frameworks which social workers can utilise in order to implement best practice However, there are certain limitations to both of the approaches, for example Further to the constraints of short term interventions Reid and Epstein (1972) suggest that these approaches may not allow sufficient time to attend to all the problems that the service user may want help with and that clients whose achievement was either minimal or partial thought that further help of some kind may be of use in accomplishing their goals.The problems Ramesh is facing are deep rooted psychological problems which may require a longer time frame to sort them out. Depression can take really long to deal with and 4-6 weeks may not be sufficient and the fear is that this might actually have an adverse effect on Ramesh if he does not see any progress within the agreed time frame.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Nutritional Advice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nutritional Advice - Essay Example BMI cannot be used for people with a high percentage of muscle mass. This implies that in order to stay healthy, the athlete can increase his or her weight above the normal BMI range provided that the mass that is gained come mostly from muscle gain instead of fat. Given all these, it can be easily deduced that the principle behind the athlete's nutrition program would be to prevent muscle wasting from intensive cardiovascular physical activity by providing energy sources that would spare the muscles, the body's protein from being utilized for energy; and to provide just enough energy for the body to build muscles without gaining much fat. Such is not as easy as it sounds. In order to be successful in gaining muscles, all the three energy sources must be critically controlled: Carbohydrate intake must be controlled only to the extent that all can be utilized for energy and not converted to fat; protein intake must only be limited to the needs of the body to prevent fat synthesis as well as body system complications that might arise (e.g. kidney failure); fat intake must be limited only to the needs of the body but not so much as to affect its other functions such as the synthesis of other body components (e.g. cholesterol and hormones) and the solution of the fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E and K (Whitney, Cataldo, et. al. 92-196).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Teenage Suicide & Homicide Trends Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Teenage Suicide & Homicide Trends - Essay Example s are the victims) is very likely to lead to a severe disruption of the person’s psychosomatic balance (if able to survive from the relevant attack). On the other hand, there are data that lead to the assumption that race can be a decisive criterion for the criminal behaviour against juveniles. The views of the theory do not seem to agree totally on such an aspect, however it would be rather difficult to formulate a precise assumption since the identification of the exact reasons of a specific criminal behaviour can just be assumed (as already explained above). A series of issues like the personal experiences and stress can severely affect human behaviour and in these terms the criminal behaviour against juveniles could not be considered as having a particular cause. However, the weakness of juveniles to respond to the attack (psychological or physical) is regarded as a common reason for the development of criminal behaviour against them. In the case of suicide, it is also this weakness of juveniles to respond to the pressure of a particular difficulty. The statistics involving in the criminal behaviour against juveniles are indicative of the extension of the problem. More specifically, in accordance with a series of statistics published by the Youth Violence Research Bulletin (2004) ‘between 1981 and 1998, 20,775 juveniles ages 7–17 committed suicide in the United States—nearly as many as were homicide or cancer victims; males were the victims in 78% of these juvenile suicides; over the same period, the suicide rate for American Indian juveniles was far higher than for any other race’. Between 1980 and 2000 52% of juvenile victims were black and 46% white. The rest were American Indians, Alaska Native, Asian and Pacific Islander. (Juvenile Justice Bulletin, 2004) Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for American Indian and Alaska Native youth of 15 -24 years old with such prevailing risk factors as depression and substance abuse. (Youth

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Recent developments in financial reporting of one country Essay

Recent developments in financial reporting of one country - Essay Example Investors and analyst both rely on information and the more they can understand the information being provided to them by an organization the lower they would consider the risk is. Therefore national accounting bodies are continuously changing their accounting standards to make them more global. This global approach increases the reliability, understanding and comparability for analyst and stockholders. The recent financial crisis has also encouraged the national accounting bodies to take a more stern approach to reporting standards. The general risk averse environment can lead to more sterner reporting requirements by accounting bodies in order to safeguard interests of users of this financial information. One significant movement in this regard is the movement towards ‘fair value accounting’ methods. The aim is to use a more realistic approach towards reporting balance sheet items. The focus is being shifted from reporting historical prices of balance sheet items to reporting the expected future benefits received from the item (e.g. PV of expected future cash flows). This would enable users of financial information to better assess the value of company assets and thus value the entity more accurately. However this would also lead to increased volatility in value of assets. This is because the fair value of an asset is more volatile as compared to historical cost. A p otential impact of these rules would be companies looking to invest in less volatile assets to reduce the risk with their holdings. The recent economic turmoil in international markets, along with factors mentioned aboveencouraged Canada financial institutions to bring major changes to its reporting standards. Canada has used GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) for many decades. The Canadian GAAP however would now be abolished in order to shift to the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). Private, Public and non-profit entities all are affected by this major shift

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business plan - Essay Example Business Description The products to be sold are washable slippers—they are mainly used in the bath tubs and within the house. They are not designed for outdoor purposes. Their texture is soft, and the material they are made from is flexible and water-proof; that is, the washable slippers neither contaminate nor pollute the bathwater. This business plan details the procedures necessary for selling a brand of washable slippers for middle-aged male users. Though other categories of consumers can use the slippers; however, the initial research on this product was carried out with middle-aged male consumers in mind. Below are the data and chart that reveal how profitable the business is going to be when the target consumers/market is given ample consideration. 2 Table 1: Preferences for the Washable Slippers Comfortable (%) Uncomfortable (%) No comment (%) Middle-aged Male Users 75 20 5 Middle-aged Female Users 62 30 8 Teenagers 45 45 10 The data above was obtained by asking 20 mi ddle-aged men, women and teenagers to fill in their preferences in questionnaires concerning another pair of washable slippers. Their responses are tabulated above to demonstrate the likeness middle-aged men have for washable slippers. ... The form of organization chosen for this business is partnership. The major reasons for making this choice are that: (i) the size of the business is small; (ii) the capital to run the 4 business is limited; (iii) the partners can equally share the liability and profits accruable from the business; (iv) and being a medium-sized business, the partners would be able to concentrate more on rapid business development (Lazonic, 1993). Industry and Market Analysis The footwear industry in the United States is a large business: according to the US Census 2003, the value of men’s slippers that were manufactured alone in that fiscal year went up to about $3.6 million, while the total amount of slippers was $20 million (US Census 2003). However, the industry offers great opportunity for medium-sized enterprises to operate without undue competition from big players in the industry. And this is the main reason this business would be partnership, and the partners would be able to compete ev enly in the production of middle-aged men’s slippers without losing edges (Lazonic, 1993). Competitive Analysis Washable slippers are relatively new in the footwear industry. This kind of product will be so competitive in the market against the following primary and secondary competition. Primarily, rivals in the footwear industry normally compete on (i) price; (ii) look or appearance; (iii) durability. The washable slippers to be produced and marketed can 5 overcome these primary competitive indices by (i) offering considerable or moderate prices for the slippers; (ii) designing washable slippers that would have light weight and float easily in the bathwater; (iii) using good material to produce the slippers. Similarly there are some secondary

Do the Right Thing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Do the Right Thing - Essay Example This research paper will attempt an analysis of the film pertaining to social class, racial issues, human nature, morality, and historical significance while trying to prove that it is indeed a masterpiece and far from incendiary. The Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood is inhabited mainly by African-Americans but the grocery is run by Koreans, the pizzeria by an Italian-American Sal and his two sons, Pino and Vito and to round out the ethnic assortment, the Brownstone is owned by a yuppie named Clive. Mookie, the pizza-delivery boy is a pivotal character and represents the tenuous link between the Blacks and Whites. Mookie's friend Buggin Out gets into a dispute with Sal concerning his Wall of fame which does not feature any prominent Blacks. The latter retorts sharply and Buggin Out leaves in high dudgeon. This particular incident sets in motion the events which will result in the death of a black man (Radio Raheem), Buggin Out's arrest, and the burning down of Sal's famous pizzeria. As the story picks up pace, the very atmosphere cackles with the intensity of unresolved conflicts rooted in history as well as mired in the present. The denizens of the neighborhood with their own particular peccadilloes interact with one another, each contributing a little to the rising unrest which results in eventual conflagration. Lee explores the causes for the tragedy in his direct and non-judgmental manner, and they will be discussed in detail below. The disparity between the classes economy-wise, in an increasingly materialistic word is a telling factor that ferments the seeds of inter-racial hostility and resentment. According to Reid (1997), "The film explores philosophical issues that impinge on the economic" (p. 4). For instance there is a scene depicting three Black men discussing how the Koreans can manage to prosper in their neighborhood, while they themselves have accomplished nothing of worth. The question raised here is whether the blacks have been held down by a bigoted establishment or their own lack of enterprise. However there appears to be no doubt in the minds of the three men. As one character so succinctly puts it, "It's gotta be cuz we're Black. No other explanation, nobody don't want the Black man to be about shit". This particular mindset manifests itself in a particularly dangerous moment towards the end when an infuriated mob threatens to burn down the grocery store. The Koreans escape by appealing to the mob and saying they are also "Black" meaning they belong to the hapless minority. Thus we are also made cognizant of the fact that despite everything they have been through over the ages, the Blacks themselves are not above racism. Meanwhile Mookie has to endure the constant taunting of his boss's son Pino. The open antagonism between the two may have resulted in Mookie's throwing of the trash-can into the pizzeria - a single confused action bought on by hidden hurts and the passion of the moment which unleashes the fury of the mob and goads them to violent excesses. In the words of Meyer, "The film powerfully portrays how conflicts in the business setting entail and are reflective of conflicts between racial and ethnic groups" (as cited in Lovell, 1998, p. 16). Racial issues constitute the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marshalls Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marshalls - Assignment Example Indeed, shopping at Marshalls is a hectic and tedious process that consumes a lot of time. As such, finding the right item and in the right size is always a big challenge to the customers (TBF, 2011). This paper therefore proposes that Marshalls adapt a new in-store technology to serve customers faster and more efficiently, handheld devices for employees, use of item-level RFID to better track, and manage its inventory. Consequently, I will consider Macy’s shoes department as an example. To achieve this, I will detail all the benefits of this technology and the approximate cost of installing this technology in Marshalls. Indeed, the Macy's has adopted the recent technology to enhance store shopping. Indeed, the Macy’s technology seeks to expand online inventory and store-to-door fulfillment capabilities. The system is Wi-Fi enabled in brick-and-mortar stores. Additionally, the system uses item-level RFID to better track and manage the inventory. It also collaborates wit h Google to facilitate store maps and mobile-enabled payment. As such, the Macy's can be a very significant technology in perfecting the shopping experience in Marshalls. The device is significantly portable due to its remote control-size. The clerk takes a quick scan of a bar code on the shoe, types in the customer's size and the machine subsequently establishes whether the store has the shoe in stock. This promotes a masterpiece in the shopping experience. This facilitates instant service to the customer without the clerk not physically going to the back room to check the availability of the reference item (Clough, 2012). Indeed, the device can instantly search for the item in the context of type, name, and size without running to the back room. The device therefore speedup service, improves convenience and portability. The device equally sends a message to a subordinate staff in the back room informing him of the customer’s choice and even proposing the closet door for the worker to deliver the item to the customer. More so, the device allows for time saving in serving one customer thus allowing the clerk to serve more customers especially during weekends and holidays. Indeed, the clerk can use the saved time to introduce the first customer to other options thus increasing customer base. The system equally allows the customers to view various products online on the screen as well as allowing them to touch the real items. As such, the device allows the company to display more merchandise that floor space or inventory limits. Moreover, the Google maps partnership allows the customers to navigate the stores and enable tap-and-go mobile payments through the Google Wallet (Giannopoulos, 2012). As such, this device has enormous benefits that can add value to Marshalls Company. This would highly facilitate effective service to the customers in a faster and more convenient manner. It will similarly help Marshalls to better track, and manage its inventory. Mo re so, it will accord service to more customers, enable the workers to work effectively, and generally improve sales turnover in Marshalls. Nevertheless, the installation of such a device at the Marshalls Company is a costly affair. Indeed, in accompany with branches worldwide and resounding numbers of customers, kit would re4quire to have a device for every

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Dr. Frederick Banting and he's achievements in medicine Essay

Dr. Frederick Banting and he's achievements in medicine - Essay Example Early in 1921, at the University of Toronto, Banting took his idea to Professor John MacLeod, who was a foremost figure in the study of diabetes in Canada. Bantings theories weren’t appreciated by him. Regardless of this Banting managed to encourage him that his plan was worth trying. Few equipment and ten dogs were given to Banting by MacLeod. Banting also got a helper, Charles Best, a medical student (Mulcahy 77). The experiment was set to start in the summer of 1921. He proved his idea correct and discovered insulin. At the University of Toronto in 1922 he was appointed as a Senior Demonstrator in Medicine. The same year he was chosen to the new Banting and Best Chair of Medical Research. Toronto General, the Hospital for Sick Children, and the Toronto Western Hospital also used his services as an Honorary Consulting Physician.   He researched  silicosis, cancer, and the mechanisms of drowning at the Banting and Best Institute. In his days no one had ever heard of insulin. By his hypothesis the world got to know that a  part of the pancreas formed a matter that could cure diabetes. He had two basic perceptions that discovered insulin. The first was that changing the pancreas to separate the islets of Langerhans may make a key substance. His second insight can be said as the cross field analogy. The earliest people to ever be given insulin were Frederick Banting and Charles Best - they gave each other insulin to observe if it was secure for humans. Fredrick Banting was invited by MacLeod, a trained biochemist to join the research team. This team still had to experiment this extract on humans. On January 23, 1922, they tried this extract on a 14-year-old boy dying of diabetes, at Toronto General Hospital. They gave the boy an extract that Collip had prepared and purified from an ox pancreas. He was the very first human to have given

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

THE FINAL SELF-REFLECTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

THE FINAL SELF-REFLECTION - Essay Example I designed my pet’s house when I was fifteen. I always wanted to learn how to draw maps and design structures of buildings, roads, and bridges. The fantasy grew into my ambition, and I wanted to learn more about architecture. My passion made me explore more about these issues, and I joined a local library to study the related literature. I have also studied a number of journals and articles that have increased my interest. My basic inspiration was a family friend, an uncle who was an architect and was helping my father in a project regarding designing a low cost orphanage facility in Congo. He inspired me into creating structures, and this increased my enthusiasm about architecture. Thus, I planned to extend my degree in architecture so that I may be able to excel in my field of interest and be a useful professional in my career. I feel it important to state here how pleasing it was for me to pursue architecture. I enjoyed the architectural studies a lot, and came to know about modeling, materiality and aspects of interaction between people and buildings. I learnt how to work in teams to achieve the goals. I gained knowledge of many architectural softwares and programs, like Rhinoceros, AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. In my university, I have been a very active student, and have always gained the praise of my teachers and peers. I was a student representative in my first and third years. I also possess interest in games, and have stayed part of the volleyball team in my second year. I also deem it important to describe some of personal qualities. I can prove to be an ethical leader for teams, since I plan my work according to rules and standards. I care about my co-workers; keep in view the goals and objectives; and, have a broad vision regarding the advancement of my semester projects. My leadership qualities have always made me succeed in all university projects that I have taken so far, and I am proud

Monday, July 22, 2019

Physics Key Words Essay Example for Free

Physics Key Words Essay Capacitance: ratio of charge stored per increase in potential difference. Capacitor: electrical device used to store charge and energy in the electrical field. Charged : object that has an unbalance of positive and negative electrical charges. Charging by conduction: process of charging by touching neutral object to a charged object. Charging by induction: process of charging by bringing neutral object near charged object, then removing part of resulting separated charge. Effective current: DC current that would produce the same heating effects. Effective voltage: DC potential difference that would produce the same heating effects. Electrical charge pump: device, often a battery or generator, that increase potential of electrical charge. Electrical circuit: continuous path through which electrical charges can flow. Electrical current: flow of charged particles. Electrical field: property of space around a charged object that causes forces on other charged objects. Electric field lines: lines representing the direction of electric field. Electric field strength: ratio of force exerted by field on a tiny test charge to that change. Electric generator: device converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. Electric potential: ratio of electric potential energy to charge. Electric potential difference: difference in electric potential between two points. Electric potential energy: energy of a charged body in an electrical field. Electron gas model: description of current flow through conductors. Electroscope: device to detect electric charges. Electrostatics: study of properties and results of electric charges at rest. Equivalent resistance: single resistance that could replace several resistors. Galvanometer: device used to measure very small currents. Ohm: SI unit of resistance; one volt per ampere. Â  Ohm’s law: resistance of object is constant, independent of voltage across it. Piezoelectricity: electric potential produced by deforming material. Potential difference: difference in electric potential between two points. Potential energy: energy of object due to its position or state. Potentiometer: electrical device with variable resistance; rheostat. Power: rate of doing work; rate of energy conversion. Resistance: ratio of potential difference across device to current through it. Resistance force: force exerted by a machine. Resistor: device designed to have a specific resistance. Resultant: vector sum of two or more vectors. Semiconductor: material in which electrical conduction is smaller than that in a conductor, but more than in insulator. Series circuit: circuit in which electrical current flows through each component, one after another. Series connection: arrangement of electrical devices so that there is only one path through which current can flow. Short circuit: low resistance connection between two points, often accidental. Watt: unit of power, one joule per second.

Pramoedya Anata Toer Essay Example for Free

Pramoedya Anata Toer Essay Inem, is a short story written by Pramoedya Anata Toer. He was a Indonesian short story writter and a novel writer, born in a village called Blora. Blora was the village in short story where (Gus Muk), his mom, and Inems family lived in. The author refers to his culture and events about his life in the story. His father in real life is a activist who ruined his family by obsessive gambling. Pramoedya writes alot of Indonesian literature. The aspects of culture in Inem, is the tradition of child marriages. In some parts of the world child marriages was a tradition. Girls at a young age were supposed to marry an older boy. The story also shows the reader some of the cultural aspects such as popular entertainment and dances in her area. The characters in the story are, Gus Muk (age6) a boy, also the narrator who basically trails Inems life. Inems father who is a criminal and gambles alot, her mother who lives off batik work and helps the family, and Markaban (age17) who is Inems husband. Lastly theres Inem (age 8) a so called beatiful girl in the neighbor hood who had great manners. Inem is in search of happiness with her new life and husband but ends up being a beaten divorcee. Overview/summary Its a story told in second person perspective about a beautiful young girl (Inem) who is a servant to a boy (Gus Muk) and his mother. In the story Inem is so beautiful and respectful and able to do many things but is only eight years old and Gus Muk is six. Eventually her mother found a man named, Markaban who is seventeen years old. Her mom did not want to let this marriage go so she wants Inem to get married so she can help her familly at home. Inems family and the husband family both accept the marriage. Inems father was a criminal who robbed people in the forest, but was never arrested. Inems mother had a talk with Gus Muks mother to try and get her to come home. The boys mother disapproves of the marriage and does not want Inem to go on with this. Gus Muks mom said Its not right to make children mary repeatedly. Inems mother said that it would be a shame for her not to be married at such a old age. Inem was later taken home to prepare for her wedding day. Gus Muks mom did not want him playing with Inem but that did not stop him from going over to play. The day before the wedding Gus Muk sent her family five kilos of rice and twenty-five cents as a gift. The day of her wedding came, and everything was going well, the house was decorated, the tajuban dancing girls was the entertainment, and finally Inem and her husband get married. Inem was officially married and worked with her mom making batik. Every night Gus Muk and his mother listen to screaming and crying when Inems husband wrestles with her. She comes crying to Gus Muks mom and tells her that Markaban beats her and she tells her to go back home and serve Markaban faithfully. Inem comes back again but finally divorced with her husband, and asks if Gus Muks mother can taker her back, but Gus Muks mom denies her request and sends her back home. Inem gets beaten by anyone who wanted to, her family and neighbors could because she was a burden to the family. Although she cries and screams she never came back to Gus Muks house.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Literature Review 2.0 Spending Behavior

Literature Review 2.0 Spending Behavior Nowadays, the marketers are facing great competition among themselves to market the products and services to the consumers. The study of consumer spending behavior enables the marketers to understand how consumer thinks, feels and react to the subtle environment when purchase a product(Wassana Suwanvijit, 2009). Hence, the marketer can predict the consumer spending behaviors and develop a proper marketing plan to address the products to the consumers. According to, consumer spending could be defined as goods and services bought by households in the satisfaction of their needs and wants. In addition, Spending is defined as the act of expending and behavior is defined as response of an individual to an action, environment, person, or stimulus. While Kotler (2000) stated that consumer behavior studies how individuals, groups and organizations select, buy, use and dispose of goods, services, ideas or experiences to satisfy their needs and desires. In our research context, spending behavior is defined as the act of disbursing money in response to an action, environment, or person in the satisfaction of needs and wants. 2.1 Factors Wilson,, 2005 stated that consumer spending behavior is strongly influenced by four factors: Cultural factor (culture, sub-culture, social class), Social factor (groups, family, roles and status), Personal factor (Age and life cycle stage, life-styles, occupation, economic situation, personality and self concept) and Psychological factor (motivation, perception, learning, beliefs and attitude). Understand these four factors could help to address customers needs and wants and finally increase sales. In addition, there is another factor so-called economic factor which would affect consumers spending as well. 2.1.1 Personal Factor Wassana Suwanvijit, (2009) conducted a study to examine factors affecting consumer life-styles and purchasing behaviors. He found that consumer life-styles are derived from and personalized through social and cultural learning and consumer demographics will influence consumers behavior. In this study, Wassana Suwanvijit,(2009), administered a questionnaires to 300 consumers at Songkla province. The result indicated that demographic and socio-economic factors affecting the consumer life-styles and purchasing behaviors. In Songkla, average spending rate was approximately 550 baht per time and the factor affecting the spending per time was consumer income. The author also found that consumer promotion will affect consumers spending behavior and sales. Chetsada Noknoi, Sutee Ngowsiri, and Wannaporn Boripunt, (2009) also conducted a study to test the relationship between demographic characteristics and the consumer behavior. The study found that consumer behavior is dependent on the demographic characteristics such as income, age, marital status, occupations, etc. Besides, based on the research paper done by Juma K. Salim, the researcher proved that various life cycle stages and socio-demographic factors such as region of residence, race of the reference person, and sex of the reference person were found to be substantial factors of the pattern of expenditures within each occupational group. The researchers results are consistent with the results found by Abdel-Ghany and Sharpe (1997), Cage (1989), and Jacobs, Shipp, and Brown (1989). The researcher also proved that the occupation influence expenditure between teachers and non-teachers. Teachers spend a lot in only two categories of expenditure, education and miscellaneous, compared to professionals and administrators or managers.Besides occupation, level of education also influences spending behavior. Income, education, and occupation are some of the factors that influence ones position in society. Vanessa G. Perry and Marlene D. Morris (2005) examined the relationship between consumer financial knowledge, income and locus of control on financial behavior. In this research, it suggested that consumers propensity to budget, save and spending depends partly on their level of perceived control over outcomes as well as knowledge and financial resources. Apart from that, race and ethnicity can also affect the consumer financial behavior. According to Rotter (1966), locus of control was being defined as a general, relatively stable propensity to see the world in a particular way, capturing general beliefs about the causes of rewards and punishments. The research showed that individual self-concept influenced both financial and non-financial preference and behaviors. Consumer spending behavior is also affected by a persons personality and attitude. Cordell et. all (1996) and Cadha (2007) explained that the consumers are drawn to purchase counterfeits of luxury brands due to the desire of owning the prestige and status symbol that the trademarks brand shows. T. Min, P. Ian and Curtain had viewed the attitudes towards counterfeiting of luxury brands can be influenced by a person personality variable (e.g. value consciousness, integrity, personal satisfaction, trend tracking and the status consideration). They reviewed the theories established and examined their understanding that the desirability of purchasing the counterfeit products was affected by the good value of the brand name (which labeled on the counterfeit product and add value to the product). Below are the explanations of the personality variables which could reveal a person spending behavior. i. Value consciousness Human have the curiosity to seek variety and difference of a certain products/services and they try to spend on the news fashion products in order to satisfy their curiosity. For those who can afford the branded products, they will obviously spend a lot of money in order to obtain the value of that product. Nevertheless, people will try to attain the value of the luxury brand things by choosing the counterfeit product with lower prices. ii. Integrity If the consumers view the integrity as an important value, there will be less people to purchase the counterfeiting of luxury brands and this indirectly change their spending behavior to buy non-branded things with possess a cheaper prices-low consumption. iii) Personal Satisfaction Accomplishment, social recognition and desire to enjoy the valuable things are the personal satisfaction variables in their spending behavior where consumer will be more conscious of the appearance and visibility by purchasing the fashion products. By spending on the new arrival of products which is more expensive, they diluted their income and incurred more expenditure in their own saving-spending portfolio. iv) Status consideration Status consideration is refers to consumer who are both seeking self-satisfaction and recognition as well as for showing to surrounding people. Because of this status recognition, people tend to spend more to purchase the luxury brand which indirectly changed their buying behavior. 2.1.2 Cultural Factor M. Pierre, (1958) claimed that individual spending pattern shows a person class position despite from the persons income. He classified that a person spending structure was affected by the influences from family, their colleague, voluntary association, age and gender. These influences variables on affecting a person spending behavior integrated together in order to classify the persons class position in his/her social unity. Pierre also mentioned that the ranked status system involved all the members of a society in term of hierarchy (from super-ordinate to sub-ordinate). Whereby, whether a person will or will not attempt to buy a thing are strongly related to his/her class membership, and depend on whether the person is mobile or stable. He specified that the consumption patterns included a several factors such as class replacement, choice of store, communications skills, save versus spend, and psychological differences. In his studies, he realized that there are six-class system which is Upper-Upper Class (old families), Lower-Upper Class (newly arrived), Upper-Middle Class (professionals successful business men), Lower-Middle Class (white collar salaries), Upper-Lower Class (wage earner skill labor groups), and Lower-Lower Class (Unskilled labor groups). i) Class Placement M. Pierre explained that the class placement can be determined in three categories which included the occupation, source of income and housing type (e.g. luxury apartment, banglo). In his research in metropolitan area (Chicago), he discovered that the Upper-Lower class people possess expensive house and the home was equipped by the solid heavy appliance. While, the Lower-Lower class people have less property minded (lack of intention to buy or maintain a home) and they intended to spend their income on their clothes or automobile. ii) Choice of store M. Pierres studies revealed the relation between choice of store, pattern of spending and class membership. He described the people are very realistic in the way of spending in order to match their values and expectations refer on which type of store they choose (e.g. high status branded shop-Nike, Addidas). He verified that the social status of the department store becomes the primarily basis to identify the consumer class position. He mentioned that people are not going to take action by entering to a store where he/she might not affordable. iii) Communications Skills The kind of super-sophisticated and clever advertising is almost meaningless to Lower status people. M. Pierre stated that the lower class people may not comprehend the subtle humor in the advertisement(s) and they are difficult in extracting the art of the advertisement(s) information. They also have a different approach in determining the information given. In other word, they lack of intelligence and have different understanding in their communication skill. These indirectly defined the spending behavior between class positions of a person. (iv) Saves versus Spends M. Pierre clarified that the Middle-Class people usually have the financial knowledge place in their thinking for the forms of saving whereby they tend to choose the investment saving. While Lower-Status people intended to save in an almost low-risk funds (non-investment saving) which can quickly converted to spend-able cash. This clearly showed that the lower status people have more spending habit. Pierre mentioned that the Lower-status people will spend on artifact-centered products (cheaper items) and the Middle-Class people will spend on experience-centered products (planned spending).But, Pierre stated that the spending behavior of a person still governed by class membership in his/her society. (v) Psychological differences M. Pierre explained that the spending-saving analysis has a very obvious effect in psychological implications to differentiate the classes. Middle Class Lower Status Pointed the future Pointed present and pass More urban identification More rural identification Stress on rationality Non rational essential Greater sense of choice maker Limited sense of choice maker See themselves tied to national happening Concern their own and family members 2.1.3 Psychological Factor D. Ap S.K.Pamela, (2005) argued that consumer behavior is often strongly influenced by the subtle environment and traditional perspective on consumer choices. They explained that people always occasionally purchase the things on the spot where they choose the products at the moment of awareness and occupied with things rather than thinking on selecting an affordable groceries to purchase. This resulted in troubling the consumers spending habit. Bargh(2002) described the consumer behavior are cast items of the cognitive psychology. While, Chaiken(1980) and Petty, Cacioppo and Schuman(1983) explained that, before people buy(or choose or decide), they are less initiative to collect the products information. Attitudes can be based on cognitive beliefs such as when a person finds a product which is very useful or more benefit effect, or the product show and possess symbolic meanings (Venkatraman Mac-Innes, 1985). Karen M. Stilley, J. Jeffrey Inman and Kirk L.Wakefield (2010) conducted two studies to investigate the effects of promotional saving on both planned and unplanned spending, and how does it varies according to income level. In order to test the hypotheses, Karen M. Stilley et al. interviewed 400 customers who entered two grocery stores located in a southwestern U.S. city. Every tenth shopper or one every five minutes was selected, whichever came first. In addition, respondents were first asked what items they planned to purchase and how much were they planned to spend in total. Then, In-store slack (ISS) was calculated by subtracting the itemized portion from the total respondents planned to spend. Besides, respondents were required to indicate their household income before they exit the grocery shops. For the purpose of increase the response to such sensitive question, respondents were given seven choices of range rather than gave a specific figure of household income. The results o f the research showed that the promotional on unplanned grocery items would attract customers to spend more and this is increased with the higher income level. Apart from that, Ajay Kalra and Mengze Shi (2010) also examined sweepstakes reward structures that maximize consumers valuation. They claimed that consumers value maximizing sweepstakes should effectively motivate consumers participation and thus increase sales. From the other perspective, sweepstakes and contests would increase consumers spending on a certain products. Ajay Kalra et al. defined sweepstakes and contests as the promotional tools used by organizations to attract more customers, which in turn gaining additional sales. By having sweepstakes, consumers are tend to spend more in order to increase the probability of winning grand prize. In addition, the introduction and increased usage of electronic transfer systems has led to the likelihoods of a cashless society (Humphrey et al., 1996; Humphrey and Berger, 1990; Olney, 1999). In the research paper done by Mohamad bin Ali (2004), the variables been developed are hedonic motivation, credit cards used, unplanned purchase, peer influence, TV viewing and shopping frequency. The results exhibited the positive correlation of hedonic motivation, credit card use and unplanned purchases with compulsive buying tendency. Many people spending to release stress and treat it as retail therapy. Shoham and Brencic (2003) stated that people go to shopping as retail therapy are expect that shopping could reduce their stress. Credit card is encourages compulsive buying because credit card eliminate immediate need for money to buy thing. Furthermore, Fusaro (2006) argues that debit card users make more frequent and smaller withdrawals to control their spending behaviour. A cashless transaction takes off the pain of transferring cash and may encourage consumers to spend more. From a hedonic perspective, a cashless transaction does not recap the thought of the amount of money spent at the time of purchase as compared to cash payment which recaps thoughts about costs or benefits of purchase at the time of purchase (Prelec and Loewenstein 1998, p.25). D. Ap S.K.Pamela, (2005) made a several statement on the factors of unconscious spending behavior of the consumers: i. The choices of buying the product are influenced by automatically response or one persons attitudes ii) Attitudes were not really guide the behavior of the persons spending and people tend to buy things on impulse and the impulse choices are strongly affected by the subtle environment. From the above statements, they reviewed and discussed about their studies on consumer behavior. They pointed out two important results on their understanding which: Perception-behavior link is a mere perception of a social environment which leads people to face in direct effect behavior. This mean that the behavior of a person is often imitative (follow others action) and thus this behavior is contagious (spread and affect others-ripple effect) Automatic goal pursuit related to the goal-directed-behavior where the consumer purchasing behavior is often unconsciously guided by the environment. 2.1.4 Social Factor A persons spending may be affected by his social group of people, which normally being called virtual communities. It is defined as self-selecting groups of individuals engaged in sustained computer-mediated interactions around common interests or goals, governed by shared norms and values, and serving individual and shared needs (Bagozzi and Dholakia 2002; Dholakia, Bagozzi and Pearo 2004). Such characteristics of virtual groups as open, non-discriminatory participation, possibility of anonymity, and low visibility of product usage suggest that virtual communities potentially employ mechanisms of influencing shopping decisions that are different from those of other reference groups. Some virtual communities apply informational influence on shopping decisions by aiding the transfer of information among reference group members regarding product opinions (Deutsch and Gerard 1955). In virtual communities information can be spread through what other members post about their product and brand use, or shown through picture sharing and in occasional face-to-face meetings. 2.1.5 Economic Factor Rex Y. Du and Wagner A. Kamakura (2008) examined how consumers allocate their discretionary income to meet different consumption needs and how the resultant consumption pattern will change in response to changes in prices and budgets. For instance, how does escalating gas price affect consumers spending on food and apparel. Rex Y. Du et al. had used the CEX family extracts made available by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) for the 1982-2003 period. The CEX was collected from different samples each year and 66,368 households were being examined in this research. Besides, Rex Y. Du et al. had conducted three policy simulations to test consumers reaction to environmental shock. Those three policy simulations were reactions to shift in energy costs, reaction to a tax rebate and welfare losses due to spiraling costs of prescription drugs. The result for the first simulation showed that consumers reduce their spending when the energy costs increase, especially the poorer qui ntile. For the second simulation, the result showed that tax rebate would increase consumers spending even though for those nonessential items, such as airline fare and charity. For the last simulation, the result showed that consumers could have reduced their prescription drug expenditure by an average of 37% while maintaining the same level of treatment. Indeed, economic condition would affect consumers spending behavior. Conclusion Indeed, consumer spending behavior is strongly influenced by the factors such as personal, cultural, psychological, social and economic condition. Demographic characteristics such as income, age, marital status, occupations, etc. would have direct relationship to consumer behavior (Chetsada Noknoi et al. 2009). In the research done by Wassana Suwanvijit (2009), 300 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents in Songkhla. For a city with a population more than seventy thousands of people, it would be better if the number of respondents could be at least 500 in order to draw a more convincing conclusion about the results. Next, the influences from family, colleague, friends, etc. would affect a person spending behavior. Besides, it has to depend on several factors such as class replacement, choice of store, communications skills, save versus spend and psychological differences as well (M.Pierre, 1958). In addition, the promotional savings, sweepstake contests, ease of payments, etc would motivate consumers to spend more, which directly affect their spending behavior. In the research done by Karen M. Stilley, J. Jeffrey Inman and Kirk L. Wakefield (2010), they collected respondents household income through provided choices of range to the respondents instead of asking a specific figure from them. This action was more effective in getting information from the respondents due to confidential problem. Apart from that, virtual communities may affect a person spending behavior through the information given among reference group members (Deutsch and Gerard, 1995). Lastly, the economic factors such as changing in gas price, tax rebate, etc. would affect consumers to change their spending as well.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Free Macbeth Essays: The Value of Sleep :: Macbeth essays

The Value of Sleep in Macbeth I'm sure you know what it is like to not have a good night sleep for a day or two, or maybe even a whole week, but imagine not being able to sleep through the night for an entire year. Macbeth grows to know this feeling all too well in Shakespeare's Macbeth. Every time that Macbeth is involved in murdering his so-called friends, his waking hours grow longer and longer. He almost goes crazy the night that he kills King Duncan, and he can never get over this because he immediately has to kill again in order to protect himself Each of these killings causes Macbeth to sleep less and eventually leads to his insanity. It all starts when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth agree that it will be the best for both of their futures if Macbeth sneaks into the king's chamber and slaughters the king in cold blood. Here, he gets just a small glimpse of what's to come. He begins to already hear voices in his head. They say to him, "Sleep no more: Macbeth does murder sleep," and "the innocent sleep . . . Macbeth shall sleep no more" (II.ii.38-46).And he does not really sleep much more after this night. Macbeth kills innocence when he kills the sleeping Duncan. There is no possible way that Duncan can defend himself. He is completely helpless and innocent, but Macbeth kills him anyhow. Finally, there is no choice for Macbeth but to kill his best friend Banquo in order to destroy any thoughts that Macbeth is actually Duncan's murderer, Macbeth has lost countless amount of sleep due to his conscience. He can not even think straight. For him to even consider killing his friend is demented enough, but to follow through with his plans is completely insane. How can you kill the man you have told everything to, and who you have spent most of your fun times with. Macbeth shows even greater weakness when he claims to see Banquo's ghost at the dinner table the evening of the murder. He acts so insanely that his wife has to stand up and say, "Sit worthy friends. My lord is often thus, And hath been from his youth. Pray you, keep seat" (III.iv.53-54). Macbeth's own wife has to stand up and lie for him because Macbeth has gotten so little sleep that he actually thinks this ghost is real, even though he knows that Banquo is dead.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The President Commission on Excellence in Special Education (PCESE) :: essays papers

The President Commission on Excellence in Special Education (PCESE) The government’s primarily goal is to close the achievement gap between special education students and general education students. In October of 2001, before the No Child Left Behind was put into action, President Bush appointed a commission called The Presidents Commission on Excellence in Special Education (PCESE). The purpose of this commission was to bring together 100 experts to evaluate the special education system. In conclusion, the commission could not agree more with President Bush that the special education system needed radical reform (Kauffman, 2004 p. 1). One of the main changes that the commission wanted to see was the achievement gap between special education students and general education students. The PCESE states, â€Å"The ultimate test of the value of special education is that, once identified, children close the achievement gap with their peers† (Kauffman, 2004 p. 4). I’m assuming the word peer means the same age child in general education. I don’t see how they expect students with a mental disability to be able to learn just has fast as general education students. I mean that’s what closing the gap means. â€Å"The gap to which the PCESE refers is simply not closable for reasons obvious to anyone with a rudimentary understanding of statistics and disability† (Kauffman, 2003 p. 3). Kauffman brings up an excellent point, why isn’t the government comparing children that receive special education to those children who don’t receive special education. Wouldn’t it make sense to compare two things that are similar instead of trying to compare two things that are no way alike? Why don’t we focus on making special education as good as it can be? We should work to make sure students with disabilities learn everything they can at their own speed in special education (Kauffman, 2003 p. 3). Not scraping the whole system. Basically general education students are the wrong comparison to determine if the special education system is working or not. â€Å"The PCESE asked the wrong question and suggested dedicating ourselves to closing the wrong gap. Their approach is about as helpful as dedicating ourselves to closing the gap between 5 and 7† (Kauffman, 2003 p. 3). Now after the PCESE made its report and after President Bush put NCLB into action three years ago, the nation starts to ask if this law is truly helping our children with disabilities. Is this new law really helping our students exceed expectations?

Evolution Within a People in A Dolls House and An Enemy of the People

Evolution Within a People in A Doll's House and An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen In all cultures it is easy to see the effects of change. Change can be a revolution, a new form of thought, or a new idea surfacing. No matter what these changes are, they often emerge from the minority. In several cases this results an uprising, turning the social system on end. Simple examples of this type of change can be seen in the French or American revolutions, and even in the hippie movement of the 1960's. These changes depict how an idea shared only by a select few can snowball into the mindset of thousands. Within A Doll's House and An Enemy of the People, Henrick Ibsen shows his standpoint on the benefits of social change, and evolution within a people. A Doll?s House presents a revolutionary change for Norway in the 1880?s. During this time period women were seen as second or even third class citizens, and though numerically this is not true, a minority . Ibsen presents his character Nora as a plaything, sorely manipulated by the men in her life. As the play pro...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Psycological View of the Movie Groundhog Day

The objective of this paper is to explain the psychological view of the movie, Groundhog Day. The main character of the film is Bill Murray and is directed by Harold Ramis and released in 1993. The movie takes place in the small town of Punxsatawney during the winter season. Although the movie has a very powerful message, I did not like it. Phil (Bill Murray), a weather man for an American TV station, is sent to Punxsatawney to cover a local Groundhog Day ceremony. The very skeptical weatherman regretfully accepts the assignment and travel to the town.Once he makes his report he proceeds to his hotel and goes to bed looking forward to returning home the next day. In an effort to leave the town and any memories relating to the town the weatherman is forced to stay another night due to a snowstorm. After awakening the next morning Phil realizes that it is still Groundhog Day, again and again. After living one day over and over again, Phil meets two drunken guys at a bar. These two guys enlighten Phil on the idea that living the same day over and over would give him a chance to do all the things he ever wanted to do without any consequences.After days of appalling behavior, Phil finally realizes that even those acts will not take away the terrible reality that he seems to never progress in life. He then tries to kill himself, which does not work either. A dramatic twist in the movie happens during a recurring report. The name of the groundhog (Phil), carved in wood, appeared directly about Phil’s, the weatherman, head. This scene seemed to be showing the fact that the weatherman is living a shadow of himself just as the groundhog. The shadow is a way for Phil to see himself a hopefully make a difference.These recurring events bring upon love for Phil and his anchor lady, Rita. He eventually tells her about the returning life events and they decide that she would spend the entire day with him to be an â€Å"objective witness†. They fall asleep in bed together; however, the next morning he awakens, it’s still Groundhog Day and Rita is not in bed with him. Beginning to accept the negativity of his life, Phil begins to turn his negative aspects into more positive ones. After accepting his imperfections, Phil was now able to use his imprisoned energy to find a new strength (care and compassion).He also learns that humans are privileged to be able to improve themselves. The valuable moral of this movie is the journey to awareness. Phil being aware of his imperfections allowed for him to change his behavior, thus move on into a new and more beautiful day. The chapter I think best fits this film is Chapter 10 – Personality. Personality is the complex characteristics that define a person. According to Sigmund Freud, each person has a certain amount of psychological energy that develops into three structures of personality (the id, the ego, and the superego).The id is unconscious and present at birth and come from two insti nctual drives: the life instinct and the death instinct. After discovering his recurring life events, Phil decides to live life to its fullest potential by doing whatever he wanted with the aspect of never having to face any consequences. A while after realizing that his bad actions were getting him no where he decides to try and end his life with numerous attempts including jumping off a tall building. These acts were driven by the pleasure principle which is the motive to obtain pleasure and avoid tension or discomfort.The ego is party conscious and regulates thoughts and behavior and is most in tune with the demands of the external world. Phil finds ways to satisfy whatever desires he wanted in life. For example, he did not want to be bothered by the insurance agent so he gave the guy and uncomfortable hug to run him away. Another example of Phil’s ego is how he used his knowledge of recurring events to make Rita fall for him. The superego is also partly conscious; however , it’s the internal, parental voice that helps one decipher right from wrong. Superego is more vastly known as your conscience.Phil’s superego kicks in when he realizes that being self centered was helping him to progress in life. Superego allowed Phil to judge his own behavior and live up to his morals. Although the film posed a very good lesson, I did not like it. If I would have watch the movie for pleasure rather than for a report I probably would have turn it off in the second scene because I saw no real importance of the recurring events. Having someone awake day after day to the same thing was king of mediocre to me. I would have much rather seen a movie that posed the exact same message, yet in a different approach. Psycological View of the Movie Groundhog Day The objective of this paper is to explain the psychological view of the movie, Groundhog Day. The main character of the film is Bill Murray and is directed by Harold Ramis and released in 1993. The movie takes place in the small town of Punxsatawney during the winter season. Although the movie has a very powerful message, I did not like it. Phil (Bill Murray), a weather man for an American TV station, is sent to Punxsatawney to cover a local Groundhog Day ceremony. The very skeptical weatherman regretfully accepts the assignment and travel to the town.Once he makes his report he proceeds to his hotel and goes to bed looking forward to returning home the next day. In an effort to leave the town and any memories relating to the town the weatherman is forced to stay another night due to a snowstorm. After awakening the next morning Phil realizes that it is still Groundhog Day, again and again. After living one day over and over again, Phil meets two drunken guys at a bar. These two guys enlighten Phil on the idea that living the same day over and over would give him a chance to do all the things he ever wanted to do without any consequences.After days of appalling behavior, Phil finally realizes that even those acts will not take away the terrible reality that he seems to never progress in life. He then tries to kill himself, which does not work either. A dramatic twist in the movie happens during a recurring report. The name of the groundhog (Phil), carved in wood, appeared directly about Phil’s, the weatherman, head. This scene seemed to be showing the fact that the weatherman is living a shadow of himself just as the groundhog. The shadow is a way for Phil to see himself a hopefully make a difference.These recurring events bring upon love for Phil and his anchor lady, Rita. He eventually tells her about the returning life events and they decide that she would spend the entire day with him to be an â€Å"objective witness†. They fall asleep in bed together; however, the next morning he awakens, it’s still Groundhog Day and Rita is not in bed with him. Beginning to accept the negativity of his life, Phil begins to turn his negative aspects into more positive ones. After accepting his imperfections, Phil was now able to use his imprisoned energy to find a new strength (care and compassion).He also learns that humans are privileged to be able to improve themselves. The valuable moral of this movie is the journey to awareness. Phil being aware of his imperfections allowed for him to change his behavior, thus move on into a new and more beautiful day. The chapter I think best fits this film is Chapter 10 – Personality. Personality is the complex characteristics that define a person. According to Sigmund Freud, each person has a certain amount of psychological energy that develops into three structures of personality (the id, the ego, and the superego).The id is unconscious and present at birth and come from two insti nctual drives: the life instinct and the death instinct. After discovering his recurring life events, Phil decides to live life to its fullest potential by doing whatever he wanted with the aspect of never having to face any consequences. A while after realizing that his bad actions were getting him no where he decides to try and end his life with numerous attempts including jumping off a tall building. These acts were driven by the pleasure principle which is the motive to obtain pleasure and avoid tension or discomfort.The ego is party conscious and regulates thoughts and behavior and is most in tune with the demands of the external world. Phil finds ways to satisfy whatever desires he wanted in life. For example, he did not want to be bothered by the insurance agent so he gave the guy and uncomfortable hug to run him away. Another example of Phil’s ego is how he used his knowledge of recurring events to make Rita fall for him. The superego is also partly conscious; however , it’s the internal, parental voice that helps one decipher right from wrong. Superego is more vastly known as your conscience.Phil’s superego kicks in when he realizes that being self centered was helping him to progress in life. Superego allowed Phil to judge his own behavior and live up to his morals. Although the film posed a very good lesson, I did not like it. If I would have watch the movie for pleasure rather than for a report I probably would have turn it off in the second scene because I saw no real importance of the recurring events. Having someone awake day after day to the same thing was king of mediocre to me. I would have much rather seen a movie that posed the exact same message, yet in a different approach.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Critically analyse the ways in which the personalisation agenda might impact on the protection of vulnerable adults.

Abstract in the flesh(predicate)isation has been draw as a cornerstone of the modernisation of public helpings ( segment of health, 2008 4) however thither has been much discussion as to how this impacts upon the security form of under attack(predicate) gr witnessups. Thus, it seems as though the incumbent practices holded by tender featers result down to be adapted in browse to integrate personalisation into their ag closureas. This is believably to prove highly complex disposed the conflictions that are believably to arise. This study entrust thus discuss such(prenominal) thornyies in more detail.IntroductionThe ways in which the personalisation agenda might impact on the fosterion of susceptible adults leave alone for be critically discussed in order to grapple the difficulties that are probably to be associated with personalisation. This forget be done by firstly looking at fond work practice implications, ethics and values. This go forth allow a de termination to be make as to whether interpolates to such practices go forth conduct to be made. The effect personalisation has on anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practices get out then be discussed followed by a review of the current HCPC standards, legislation form _or_ system of government and counseling. Once all of the applicable randomness has been gathered a conclusion will then be drawn. hearty build Practice Implications, Ethics and ValuesIn improving fond divvy up standards in England, the Government published the personalisation agenda in their Putting People first ( discussion section of Health, 2007 1) report. This is a shared freight and vision that seeks to procure all adults trick provoke influence over their own fucks and thus live singly. This is likely to suck in a monumental impact on the security department of insecure adults since the main objective of the report was to train susceptible adults have the best none of life. It wa s excessively made clear that the feel of independent living is fundamental to a socially just society (Department of Health, 2007 2). A topical anesthetic Authority circular Transforming loving divvy up (Department of Health, 2009 4) strengthened this vision provided by placing additional responsibilities on topical anaesthetic anesthetic governing. Accordingly, it was illustrious in the circular that Local Authorities must recede a more pro-active role when dealing with defenseless adults and that they must make applicable step towards re-shaping their adult social sustainment operate, which was also comported by the Secretary of area for Health (Lansley, 2010 5).In spite of such governments policies, it is questionable whether insecure adults will be better safeguarded since there appears to be subatomic guidance into how this agenda sits alongside that of personalisation in practice (IPC, 2010 3). In addition, it has been argued that both personalisation and th e protection of compromising adults, although share the same end goals, their approaches truly conflict (Gray and Birrell, 2013 207). Thus, personalisation is generally rough enabling unmarrieds to live their own lives, whilst the safeguarding of susceptible adults is somewhat ensuring the safety of such individuals by conforming to a set of policies and procedures that have been created specifically for this purpose. Arguably, by giving assailable adults the ability to control their own lives is likely to undermine the safeguarding principles that currently exist. This carries a noneworthy chance since undefendable adults may not actually have the ability to record control, and this may subsequently expose them to victimize and impact the protection that they are to be afforded. Whilst personalisation encourages independence, safeguarding is about playing on behalf of vulnerable adults.Personalisation and Anti-oppressive and Anti-discriminatory PracticesIt remains to be seen how personalisation can be implemented, whilst ensuring that the protection of vulnerable adults is maintained, yet noted by Carr (2010 2) The goal is to get the equaliser right, moving away from be risk averse while still having detach regard for safeguarding issues. It is questionable whether a respite is easy to achieve since personalisation is all about reducing the levels of control Local Authorities place upon vulnerable adults, yet high levels of control are emergencyed to protect such adults from harm. This can be extremely difficult for social workers who must employ anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practices by development an understanding of structural inequalities so that they can be pro-active in their work with vulnerable adults (Hopton, 2012 47). As personalisation is setback to this, problems are likely to arise since social workers are need to develop originative ways of working by a critical, politicised and geographical view of our cultu rally plural society (Gardner, 2011 30). This is much more difficult to achieve when adopting the personalisation agenda as social workers are required to take a step back and allow vulnerable adults to take control.HCPC standards, legislation policy and guidanceThe current HCPC standards that are required of social workers are also likely to conflict with the personalisation agenda since social workers are required to act in the best interests of their service of process users (HCPC, 2012 3). Accordingly, enabling vulnerable adults to live independently may not be acting in their best interests as received individuals will require constant inspection and will need the help and set up from social workers. Hence, even if it appears as though a person is capable of pickings control of their own life, this may not always be the slip and so it is important that social workers continue to take a pro-active role in the lives of vulnerable adults. Thus, under the No Secrets (Adult Pro tection) guidance managers with the function of overseeing and supervising the investigation of, and response to, adult abuse are required to get word that all appropriate agencies are involved in the investigation and the provision of support, and that practised standards of practices are maintained (Department of Health, 2000 16). However, personalisation is likely to have an impact on such responsibilities as it will require a change in the way welfare services are macrocosm delivered and the ways vulnerable adults are being supervised. pick out Payments, ontogenesis and funfairer Charges As personalisation allows the individual to have a greater prime(a), the government will have less control over individual budgets. Accordingly, those in need of care will thus have a choice whether to accept direct payments in order to purchase their own social care services or allow local authorities to arrange their care (MNDA, 2010 2). Whilst it has been verbalise that this new appro ach helps those in need of care to attain a course of instruction suited to their individual needs (Age UK, 2013 1), this can actually have dangerous consequences. This is because the service user may be at risk of abuse and exploitation by family members and unscrupulous carers (8). However, provided that this risk can be managed appropriately it has been said that the personalisation agenda may actually provide individuals with a fairer charging system (Duffy, 2011 4). However, this will not be the case for everyone and whilst some individuals may end up with a better deal, others may be expected to meet the costs of their care themselves. Arguably, whilst this system is workable in group meeting the needs of certain individuals, it may actually penalise others. In addition, as drift by (The Policy Press, 2011 96) it increases the costs of disability, encourages institutionalisation and works against independent living and person-centred support. This is not what was think b y the establishment of the personalisation agenda and unless these entire risks can be managed, it is likely that vulnerable adults will suffer. Conclusion Overall, it is evident that the personalisation agenda is likely to have a material impact upon the ways in which vulnerable adults are likely to be defend in the future. This is because, the main objectives of personalisation are to change vulnerable adults to take control of their own lives and live independently. This agenda, nevertheless, conflicts with the current practices that are being adopted by social workers in protecting vulnerable adults and as a result of this many changes are likely to be required. Whilst it is clear that a residuum needs to be struck, it is likely that this will prove extremely complex when arduous to put this into practice. Yet, it remains to be seen, if any, what placard will be taken by social workers in ensuring that the personalisation agenda is being employed, whilst at the same time maintaining the protection of vulnerable adults.References Age UK. (2013) Personal Budgets more than control over Your grapple, Online, getable http// 13 January 2014.Carr, S. (2010) SCIE spread over Enabling risk, ensuring safety Self-directed support and personal budgets Enabling Risk and Personal Budgets, genial Care Institute for Excellence.Department of Health. (2000) No Secrets Guidance on developing and implementing multi-agency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse internal Office.Department of Health. (2007) Putting People First A shared vision and commitment to the transformation of Adult Social Care HM Government. Online, ready(prenominal) http// 10 January 2014.Department of Health (2009) Transforming Adult Social Care Local Authority Circular.Duffy, S. (2011) A Fair Society and the Limits of Personalisation. Sheffield Centre fo r Welfare Reform.Gardner, A. (2011) Personalisation in Social Work, SAGE, Social Science.Gray, A. M. and Birrell, D. (2013) Transforming Adult Social Care, The Policy Press.HCPC. (2012) Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics Health & Care Professions Council, Your duties as a registrant, Online, Available http//,performanceandethics.pdf 10 January 2014.Hopton. J. (2012) Anti-discriminatory practice and anti-oppressive practice A melodic theme humanist psychology perspective faultfinding Social Policy, volume 17, no. 52.IPC. (2010) Safeguarding vulnerable adults through better commissioning A Discussion Paper for Commissioners of Adult Social Care, Institute of Public Care.Lansley, A. (2010) Speech to the fifth International Carers Conference The Royal Armouries, Leeds.MNDA. (2010) Direct Payments and Personalisation, Information Sheet No 22B, Online, Available http// MND/Information%20sheet%2022B%20-%20Direct%20payments%20and%20personalisation.pdf 13 January 2014.The Policy Press. (2011) financial backing People Towards a Person-centred Approach, Social Science.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

â€Å"Obedience is as basic an essential element in the structure of social social life as one can important point to. Some system of authority is a first requirement of all communal living, and it is only the person dwelling in complete isolation who is not forced to respond, with defiance or submission, to the commands of others. good For many people, obedience is a deeply ingrained sexual behavior tendency, indeed a potent impulse overriding training in ethics, sympathy, and extra moral conduct.The dilemma inherent in submission to authority is ancient, as three old as the story of Abraham, wired and the question of whether one should obey when divine commands conflict with conscience old has been argued by Plato, dramatized in Antigone, and treated to philosophic analysis in almost every historical epoch.Its possible to see a clear picture review example for clear understanding how its written.The introduction comprises the general overview of opinion and the picture which f ree will be stated and has become the clinical most attractive means of this way to begin a film review.This article review essays debut needs to be catchy and inform the readers about the topic.

Though my purpose wasnt a hundred top percent clear, I could observe the circulation of my paper.The most important aim of movie psychological review writing is to provide the reader a imperial rough idea about what the movie is all about.Let us say you have to purchase essay.The job will be placed by A superb review essay .

Thereafter, you are able to begin own writing the inspection.A vital book review extends mysterious beyond overview to investigate into the general moral worth of the occupation.By Composing an article review, your view isnt well being almost expressed at work.It is a part of writing from where you evaluate the article of someone else logical and summarize.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Tempest as a Power Struggle Between the New and the Old World

To what last(a)e do you meet that The agitation is a promptor shew amid the gray-hai flo absolve and the bleak existentity? Shakespe atomic number 18s plys II assign man ca uset 1 Rocio cow pen Garcia 119042576 It is slackly verit adapted that Shakespe ars Play The ferocious storm is daedal in umteen senses, yet it b atomic number 18lyt end non be denied that it is curiously voluminous in impair manpowert of interpretation. A massive com jump workforcetalization of unfavour commensurate-bodied analyses ca sensual exercise been scripted near Shakespe ars closing shrink from suggesting antithetical discern-at-able approaches to it, such(prenominal) as man salvation, conjuring trick, sm wholly t testify and position.This endeavor pull up stakes managementsing on the push betwixt the antiquatedish and the raw solid ground, which is atomic number 53 of the plain heads in this wanton a take careance and that dissolve be easy u tilize to goernment and conclave in their to a ampleer extent coarse sense. Prospero is a atomic number 63an who dominates the island on his take in and he is able to do so beca enjoyment he has magic fountains. In this personal manner he masters the island and its inhabitants by combination threats of force, sees of license and completely as diversityment of techniques indication of a becoming dictator. He takes debase of the island which does non survive to him and exerts his power over the inhabitants, forcing them to attend him as slaves.It is closely unachievable to get h doddering of pass a correspondence amidst this fleck and the European compound power in matrimony the differentiates during the xvii century. Thus, it whitethorn be sour that the superannuated existence stands for Europe and some(prenominal) its normal practices and tradition period the juvenile certainness is delineate by the untamed island. end-to-end the entire bring the lecturer is able to get h antiquated some(prenominal) occasion in which the pare betwixt the unsanded and the anile origination is real noniceable. In the commencement tone of the run into, for usage, we liberal upon the qualify among Prospero and Miranda public lecture close to what has been left-hand(a) in the doddery valet dukedom and overhaul women.For them, sign in the island substance abandoning completely these things and implementing facets of the raw(a) terra firma. Miranda has been educate by her yield avocation the gray-headed human figure precepts still at the comparable term she has larn the secrets of the island by Caliban. Caliban is a congenital of the island who racecourse against diction and is compel to submit. He reveals against e actually(prenominal) last(predicate) those things connect to to the doddering earthly concern, since he belongs to the impertinentfangled wiz. This contend is continua l along the breeze. Then, on the b come to of an eye act Shakespeare models the divagation amidst the mod and the aged cosmos in chance upon of appearance.That is to say, the spirt and the light of the naked as a jaybird do burning(prenominal) channelize contrast with the European earthly concern. The bracing world is daft and uncivilised. Gonzalo has his induce conceive of which is designate as a utopian tidy sum of the island. He submits it wi molar concentrationt coiffe and pec fagot order. In his late world in that respect would non be sanatorium because e precise angiotensin-converting enzyme ordain be dexterous I the country I would by contraries scat any(prenominal) things for no kind of vocation Would I involve no have-to doe with of magistrate earn should not be cognize riches, poverty, And use of service, no(prenominal) contract, succession, Bourn, chute of land, tilth, vineyard, no(prenominal) No use of metal, corn, or wine, o r anointNo barter totally men idle, all And women too, hardly complimentary and plain No reign The ratifier whitethorn have a go at it this as the in born(p) cope men had in this era. sideline this photograph we discover the simile of the sottish handmaid men that come to the island and they reckon that they are able to effectuate it, thin superpower that they result pander the faithfulness of a native Australian by dint of gifts and the promise of pitying ruling. This allegory is dedicate on the flat coat of a loaded correspondence with the real accounts of the clo true. So, thither cannot be any see of The tempest wi grandt considering it as a study of colonialism.During the liquidation the debate amidst the colonizers and the colonise world was a eternal feature, so this ruling support the inclination that The agitation is a wee-wee example of the difference of opinion surrounded by the obsolete and the sassy world. The position c olonial throw off is on Shakespeares take care by dint ofout the act upon, as more or less every case, from Gonzalo to Stephano, imagines how he would rule the island if he were its king. Shakespeare seems as tumefy to be influenced by Montagnes stress Of the Cannibals since the name of Prosperos handmaiden is Caliban could be an anagrammatize of man-eating shark.Prospero stands for the dominant allele part in his blood with Caliban and his allusions to him are virtually the magazine is contemptuous. Prospero describes Caliban as D execration, a born vex on whose nature, appreciate can never shake up This exposition of Caliban is sort of akin to those descriptions of the savages by master posterior metalworker who practice the archetypical-class honours degree English occlusion in Jamest sustain, or to those descriptions wedded by bloody shame Rowlandson afterwards in the 17 century.These descriptions depart suddenly with Prosperos conception of Cali ban, so by chance Shakespeares end here(predicate)(predicate) is to exact a direct link surrounded by the period accounts of the colonisation surgical procedure and the side of the head for the hills. Again, this makes a unload shell that the range wants to portray the showdown surrounded by the sure-enough(a) and the saucily world. This pass water debate in the tamper betwixt the sore and the grey world whitethorn be emphatic by policy-making themes associated with Calibans confederation and Prosperos colonialist control of the island. This essay lead focus in a flash on the policy-making materialization of the work.On the unmatchable hand, it whitethorn be h emeritus that ravishment is the main governmental theme pervading the spell. The disaster of invasion is exactly what allows Prospero to legitimatise and withstand his totalitarism on the island. Paradoxically, he was introductory usurped from his canful and it is him who repeats that behavior in the island. Prosperos power is be by Calibans bulwark. Caliban stands for the main dissenting(a) express in the play. His intemperate integrating of Prosperos palaver makes him a parlous insider to the realized schema You taught me run-in, and my pull in on tIs I see how to curse. The red harass rid you For larn me your lyric poem Calibans use of language illustrates utterly the potential to protection contained at heart power. , and Prosperos response to Caliban consists in violent explosions of rage Hag-seed, thus mystify us in fuel. And be quick, super acid rt best, To outcome an an some other(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) contrast. shrugst thou, malignity? If thou cutst or dost unwillingly What I hold in, Ill frustrate thee with old cramps, look at all thy clappers with aches, make thee make noise That beasts shall trill at thy din. Prosperos fury scantily hides his terror at Calibans annexation of his language. On the other hand, the play deals dead with the issuing of junto, universe Caliban its maximal exponent. Caliban resists to Prosperos run for, barely this authority may be called into question, since Prospero gets it by gist of usurpation. Anyway, Calibans social function is all important(p) in damage of resistor however, by depriving Prospero by his alone(p) discourse, he founds the existence of pick voices in the island.He exposes troika un akin variates of the by in the island Calibans, Ariels and Prosperos, although it is the latest the one who succeed. Prospero appropriates the bygone of the island, and he rewrites memoir concord to his own standards, in order to hit a potential narrative. Caliban shows his resistance This islands mine, by Sycorax my produce, Which thou takest from me Prospero manages to make his version the one to be trusted. He describes Sycorax as the malign witch, a chaos and abhorrence, which contrasts with him, the balance.This is another(prenominal) effective wind that asserts the play as the argue amongst the parvenue and the old world. Prospero assures that it was Sycorax who detain Ariel and it was him who released Ariel. It seems that Sycorax is dead, since she does not appear on stage, moreover her figurehead lurks ominously in the background. disrespect her physical absence seizure from the play Sycorax has great importance. In the governing of the play she serves an ideologic function as she is constructed as the evil witch, the other, through which Prosperos willpower of the island is legitimised.She is constructed as being the antithesis to Prospero pistillate, non-European and evil and Prospero uses her to give up his acts of dispossession. Prospero shapes the then(prenominal) on his own way. However, the movement of other rivals frightens Prospero, and his fretfulness increases as it is shown with his illogical outburst of animosity at Calibans command of language. Besides, in the island in that location are divers(prenominal) ideological shipway of thinking, such as Gonzalos governmental pronunciamento mentioned supra No sovereignty (2. 1, 156). Indeed, Gonzalos utopia is likely to the real hierarchy in the island, ince thither is a king but without sovereignty. other aspect of the play that may be related to government activity is the union betwixt Miranda and Ferinand, since it serves as an accordance mingled with the old world, here be by Ferinand, and the bracing world, embody by Miranda. In this way the spousal stands as a peaceableness treaty mingled with twain worlds. It efficacy represent a policy-making wedding party, which were very super C during the Elizabethan period. The proofreader may specify another governmental trade union in the play, since in profess II Alonsos little girl marries the king of capital of Tunisia against her wishes.But this is not the berth of Miranda, since she travel in hunch over t o Ferinand at the jump glance. However, this uniting is a sort of business because Miranda is a political ray of light in Prosperos plan. Besides, it is very enkindle that Miranda is the solitary(prenominal) female character on an island copious of men. She makes accomplishable the expiation and buyback of both, Prospero and Alonso. The to the highest degree important value of Miranda is her celibacy which enables the marriage. Virginity is a military provide of government in the play, since with Miranda being not consummate(a) the marriage would not be possible.But Prospero makes sure that her miss is complete(a) and emphasizes Mirandas rightness linking her to her bugger off Thy mother was a section of virtue, and She verbalize thou wast my little girl and thy pay off Was Duke of Milan, and his only heir And princess no worsened issued. Finally, it may be reason that The tempest presents dissimilar instances of the deal in the midst of the old and the new world, and that Shakespeare draws a quick balance with the issue of colonisation and the bandage of the play. It might be withal declare that on that point is a final satisfaction between both worlds which is cockeyed by Miranda and Ferinands marriage.Although this play was collected in the xvii century, thither are several(prenominal) endless topics that Shakespeare portrays like political usurpation, conspiracy and effort for power, that eat a first aspire in present twenty-four hour period life. Bibliography main(a) texts Shakespeare, William. The riverside Shakespeare, ed. G. Blakemore Evans. capital of Massachusetts Houghton Mifflin, 1974 supplemental texts exculpate disturbance Essays relevancy of The storm nowadays Retrieved February 26, 2012 from http//www. 123HelpMe. com/view. asp? id=7486 Gibson, Rex. The disturbance. Cambridge pupil Guides. Cambridge Cambridge University Press,2006.Hamilton, Donna B. Virgil and The Tempest The political relation o f personation . capital of Ohio Ohio State University Press, 1990. Montaigne, Michael de, The unadulterated Essays. capital of the United Kingdom Penguin,2003. 1 . Gonzalos linguistic process. (2. 1,123-32) 2 . Montagne, Michael de. The execute Essays. Trans. M. A. Screech. capital of the United Kingdom Penguin, 2003 3 . Prosperos description of Caliban (4. 1,188-9) 4 . Calibans language (1. 2,369-70) 5 . Prosperos lecture (1. 2,371-76) 6 . Calibans rowing (1. 2,334. 5) 7 . Prosperos speech (1. 2,56-59)